We hope you are doing well during these unprecedented times of COVID-19. It will surely be a time to remember for a very wide range of reasons. We’ve been busy updating a lot of marketing materials, building new websites and generally keeping busy for most of our clients who are taking advantage of either slowing down or shutting down. Many are doing what we wrote about a few weeks ago.
Well, it’s Wednesday and we typically put out some sort of “WordPress Wednesday” post, blast, featured website design or the like every other Wednesday. Well, today is a bit different, but very much WordPress related.
Something New for Us Too
Like others, we’ve also been busy ourselves putting the final touches on something new!! As you likely know, we’ve been hosting & maintaining WordPress websites for over 10 years. But we’ve always done it under the MITO Studios (and others’) name. Now, it’s time to change that and make it a bit more official!

Introducing . . .”Truly” Managed WordPress Hosting
WP Site Pros ensures that your WordPress website is alive & well, fast, secure and completely tuned up under the hood so you can focus on what you do best – your business. WPSP offers a truly “managed” hosting service that is unmatched by many.
WordPress websites and the servers they live on are a different animal when it comes to hosting, maintenance/support and security. But this also means WordPress websites require more power to host, additional security tools to keep safe, and more expertise & care to maintain than a traditional “old school” (aka HTML) website.
Maintaining WordPress websites can be a big chore and for many, a chore that you don’t have the expertise, desire nor time for. There are many other issues to face such as Uptime Monitoring, Security and Performance. WP Site Pros delivers all of these, plus some!

The features and benefits are vast! And we have 3 very simple plans at more-than-competitive rates to cover everything from the simplest “brochure” site, to a highly visited e-commerce site with a lot of functionality.
So, leave your WordPress hosting, maintenance and most importantly, your WordPress struggles with us!
What’s Next?
So what do you do with this news? You might already be hosted with us. Thank You! If you are not hosted with us yet have a WordPress site, please consider taking advantage of this great service. If you’re all set with your hosting and maintenance needs, then chances are you know someone who could benefit from focusing more on themselves or their business rather than their website. Please forward this onto them.
Thank You!
Blake & The MITO Team
P.S. We do have a few offers for new customers, and for small businesses who are affected by COVID-19.
Check out our first Instagram Post(s)
It’s always fun to do something unique for the “very first post” on social media. In this case, technically it was 9 posts but they were all done together to create a collage effect.

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