Our long time client, Ashley Engineering Systems, needed some new marketing collateral for their branding efforts. We helped in many ways, but these promotional apparel T-shir [...]
Custom Designed T-Shirts for Canyon Springs Church
MITO Studios2019-06-21T12:23:37-07:00Our creative work for Canyon Springs Church includes these children's promotional apparel T-shirts that we designed for their summer 2014 Vacation Bible School (VBS). We began [...]
Long Sleeve T-Shirts for VAVi Running Club
MITO Studios2019-06-21T12:23:38-07:00We are pleased to announce and show examples of the custom designed Long Sleeve Running T-Shirts for the San Diego VAVi Running Club. VAVi’s new T-shirts are a custom designed [...]
Training Shirts Design for RunJunk
Blake Miller2019-06-21T11:36:07-07:00RunJunk.com is an online store with top of the line endurance supplements and supplies. Since 2005, RunJunk.com has been expanding their website to include more gear and suppl [...]
Towels Designed for RunJunk
Blake Miller2019-06-21T12:31:01-07:00RunJunk.com is an online store with top of the line endurance supplements and supplies. Since 2005, RunJunk.com has been expanding their website to include more gear and suppl [...]
Water Bottle Design for RunJunk
Blake Miller2019-06-21T11:36:54-07:00RunJunk.com is an online store with top of the line endurance supplements and supplies. Since 2005, RunJunk.com has been expanding their website to include more gear and suppl [...]
Custom Technial Hats for RunJunk
Blake Miller2019-06-21T11:37:02-07:00RunJunk.com is an online store with top of the line endurance supplements and supplies. Since 2005, RunJunk.com has been expanding their website to include more gear and suppl [...]